Corruption. Patriotism. Justice. Freedom.
All present within any state, whether it be Democratic, Republican
or Communist
There is no peace and no true justice. All systems are
manipulated, and PNG isn’t excluded
The cries of many often fall on deaf ears; such as our sisters
in the Middle East, crying out for peace for the past 5 years and our brothers
across the border in West Papua fighting for freedom for over 50 years today.
Power blinds the heart of man and turns it cold as ice, they
lose sight of their duties to ensure peace and prosperity throughout the nation
and their souls are drowned in greed and self-righteousness.
Pray for our country. Pray for our leaders. May God heal PNG. |
We live in the society of veto power and we can see that
now. No matter what the majority says those in power still overrule. Maybe we
need change, but what sort of change? Change in the mindsets of people? Change of
leaders? Or change in the system?
Traditionally there are two forms of ruling systems here
in PNG.
The Chieftain system and the Big Man system and forty
years aren’t long enough to erase our traditional systems. So technically, PNG
currently has three systems of ruling in place: The Chieftain system, the Big
Man system and the Westminster system
See now where the problem is?
With majority of our people living in the rural areas, come
elections they will vote based on the system that is practiced in their region.
This is a fact, and because the Big Man system is practiced almost right across
PNG obviously the wealthy and well educated candidates will be elected into
Parliament. That is why we find some members in parliament to be patriotic and
act in the best interest of their country well, while others do quite the
As citizens of Papua New Guinea, we need to properly
evaluate where our country is heading. We can be the voice of the silent majority
in the rural areas, but as the educated minority, will our fellow brothers,
sisters, mothers, fathers, aunties, uncles and bubus forever remain the silent
majority? When will there be a balance in the scale and how can I contribute towards
achieving that balance? Is our political system really doing us justice? These are
questions we need to ask ourselves before making our next move.
In 1971, in an ABC interview with Late Sir John Guise, he
mentioned that the Westminster system was not going to work for PNG that it
would bring problems and I think we can see that now. Maybe it’s time some of the
great PNG minds get together (those who know about PNG Ways, customs and
culture and those who know about the international system and its political
systems) to develop an integrated political system that will be beneficial to
the nation of PNG.