Sunday, 25 October 2015


The world portrays relationships as giving you 100% attention 24/7 to a single person, if not then that is not a relationship at all. But this is a utopia! It is impossible for one person to give their 100% attention 24/7 to a single person, IMPOSSIBLE! No wonder relationships don’t work out these days, society has molded relationships to be founded upon dependency rather than interdependence. This is probably the reason why there are too many unproductive clingy relationships these days that start off at a high note, followed by marriage and it all ends in divorce. Parents share their experiences with their children but society has manipulated the minds of the young that they believe that these is all nonsense. But realistically speaking, talking to someone every single day is absolutely bizarre! Constantly checking up on someone is silly, the only people that do that are parents. Then there comes over protectiveness and abuse because people don’t want to feel as though they aren’t worth anything. But this just strips people of freedom. A relationship should not be dictated; but guided. You should not have to do things because you HAVE TO; but because you WANT TO. It is about commitment. The commitment of the heart, and this can only be tested, not by everybody knowing about your every single move with the person you are in a relationship with, but by everybody not knowing. Yes, it may seem old fashioned, but reality check; what modern methods of relationships are working? Our grandparents had long lasting relationships, but as we reach our parents generation things began to change, and here we are today. It’s a totally different ball game, new court, new people but the game is still the same. Not many people still uphold such values as: honour and respect for the other, or patience and sex after marriage.  But to find a person with such values is most definitely worth the wait…

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