Monday, 15 February 2016

The strong ones

So much emotion swells within me;
but what to do of it?

Hurt emotions and feelings passed by unattended
Under the plastic wrapping of,
‘there just small things’

Tears locked within surrounded by a concrete wall
People who said they would be there for you
Don’t have the time to listen
Every man caught up in his agenda

What of you?
You hearts dreams? Your biggest fears? Deepest secrets?
To whom do You confined these?

No, not to the ones who promise to be there for you
But to the ones who don’t

The ones who allow their tears to roll in front of you;
And the ones who don’t have a brave face

They are the real strong ones
For within that fragile wall
There is comfort, assurance and strength

These ones are more than what some of us pretend to be


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