Monday, 24 August 2015


My heart aches to see you where we are now "friend". I do not know how we got here? May be it started with me being distant? Or may be you should have just stayed with me for a little while longer before you left? Or maybe we have already arrived to the junction of life and did not even realise it till now?

We were close once, but now we are merely strangers living side by side. This wall has crept between us, built by who, I know not. Our language has changed and the clothes we wear too. Our friends no longer share similarities like before...

 I wish it wasn't like this friend, but I guess your hand got tired of waiting for me to take it. I was enclosed in my little glass house with the door shut while you were standing outside in the rain waiting for me to let you in; now that the rain has gone away you are no longer outside my door.

I'm sorry for leaving you in the rain friend,  now I am left with "should have's" and "if only's". My little glass house is not fun anymore. Believe me. if I could rewind time again, I would.

But here I am at the door of my little glass house, and I can see your back as you leave my drive way. Oh how I want to call out to you friend, and tell you to come back and to tell you that I'm sorry but it's too late, you are too far away.

So I'll stand here, with the door wide open, incase you decide to come and visit me again. I'll wait and hope that you do come by soon. You have been a good friend to me, and I have only been less, if you choose not to come back, then I understand. But I'll remain by the door and pray that wherever you go, may peace, joy and many blessings accompany you always.

With love,
 From A friend.

God has a plan

"To be honest, I imagined this part of my life to be different. Would I like things to be different? Yes.

Would I have avoided decisions that I have made for a different outcome if I had known? Yes!

 Would I have taken things more seriously to avoid being where we are now? Yes!!

 But may be that is why God does not give us the ability to see the future, cause how than would we REALLY know what it means to walk in Faith?"



What if Your blessings come through raindrops?

What if Your healing comes through tears?

What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near?

What id my greatest disappointments? Or the aching of this life is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy?

What if the trials of this life, are Your blessings in disguise?

**Blessings by Laura Story**

Psalm 107: 43 – “Whoso is WISE, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving-kindness of the Lord.”
Psalm 107, this chapter is a classic example of God’s mercy, love and grace upon us. So many times we let God down, but is NEVER fails to forgive us when we ask for forgiveness. God is so good and is truly worthy to be praised. Verse 43, sums up the entire chapter PERFECTLY! “Whoso is WISE will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving kindness of the LORD” it cannot be put any simpler. Just by reading this chapter, one can clearly see how loving and kind God is.!
Thank You Father for Your constant forgiveness upon my life
I am a sinner who is not even worthy to be called Thy child
But I thank You for loving me anyway
I know I let You down EVERYDAY
I thank You for Your LOVE that is so big, You forgive me each time
Give me the strength to love You back with all my heart, mind, might and soul
In Jesus Name,

Monday, 17 August 2015

PNG : People Need God.

So many people are under the illusion that “we are ALL Christians.”  Please, 1 John 1:8 – “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”


Do not be deceived by people who tell you that we are “ALL” Christians! We are all not. Try examining yourself, if you cannot instantly boldly declare one thing you can be thankful to God for, or share the goodness of God in your life to another… than clearly you are very far from God.  If you are afraid of death or you have absolutely no idea as to what will happen to you when you die; than you are NOT a Christian.


Christians are people who know that Christ is coming back and they are not afraid of death, for they know their Maker and where they will be.


For those who do not know what will happen to their soul after death… well, you need to find out.

I am to blame

John and Joe stole some money, but they reacted differently when confronted with evidence. John broke down immediately, confessed his guilt and offered to repay the money. But Joe refused to take any responsibility and blamed his companion. Later, with his parents supporting him, Joe claimed that he was forced into this conduct because some of the young people in his church had never accepted him.

People who try to cover up their sins will not prosper, but those who confess and forsake them find mercy (Proverbs 18:13). Many people never realize that they become their own enemies by blaming others instead of facing up to their own faults.

In 1 Kings 21, we read that King Ahab wanted a vineyard belonging to Naboth, but the owner refused to sell it. So Ahab’s wife had Naboth executed. Although Ahab merely allowed his wife to use his name un signing the orders, he didn’t blame his wife when confronted with his evil deed. Instead, he acknowledged his crime, expressed grief, accepted responsibility, repented, and received a merciful reprieve.

Whenever we do wrong, we are wise to face up to it and ask God to forgive us. We will be better people when we learn to say, “I am to blame.”

(Herb Vander Lugt)

~Our Daily Bread (2006) ~

God cannot prosper those who try to cover sin, and deny wrong; but all who humbly confess, the Saviour with His love will bless. ~D. De Haan~

Sunday, 9 August 2015

With God

With God, all things are possible. Lazarus was raised from the dead. God spoke and he awoke. God SPOKE and the DEAD MAN responded INSTANTLY.!! But when God speaks to the living… that’s another story. Isn’t it amazing how the dead can hear the voice of the Lord and obey, and yet, it is so difficult for the LIVING to obey.

What is holding you back?

"So much pain, but nothing to gain
Always fear, coupled with eyes that tear
For misery and sorrow, both ride into tomorrow
Oh confusion, where is my solution?
Christ is the Light; trust Him with all your might
For a heart not filled with God; is a life that will always face the rod
For God paved the eternal way, in hope that you walk that path some day
Trust the Son and you won’t have to run
For you are a temple, so don’t allow yourself to be a sample
Of a life that’s in the dark; but be a life that will be a spark
Rise up against the odds; don’t mind the swords
For God is on your side; no need to slide"


Too many times, we as Christian’s tend to lose hope in God when we are faced with trials. But how else are we to grow in grace without testing? How are we to strengthen our foundations in Christ without testing the soil.


For those without Christ, they battle all day and night long. They are faced with the struggle of seeking answers, peace and security, but they find none. Cause they are far of Christ.


Our hearts can only be filled with “good” or “evil”. Our speech is an indicator of what is in our heart.


Or Rivers and Christians

Daniel 1:1-8


An interesting thing to watch from an airplane is the winding path if a river. No two waterways are alike, but they all have one thing in common: They are crooked. Rivers follow the path of least resistance. They are crooked because they take the easy.


Christians become crooked for the same reason. When we fail to overcome temptation, resist the devil, or tackle the enemy head-on, we deviate from the straight path God would have us to follow. Unlike Daniel, who “purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself,” we bend to worldly pressures.


This shouldn’t happen. Nothing is so strong that we need allow to side track us. Writing to Christians , John said, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

Rather than being overcome, we can be overcomers. Nothing should divert us from our prescribed course. We don’t have to give in to any temptation or foe.


Unlike rivers, which have no choice in the matter, we can remain straight by refusing to follow the path of the least resistance.


 –Richard De Haan-

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Sometimes we need to assess ourselves and evaluate where we are in life. Whether the things we do are beneficial to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth? or whether they are detrimental?

The things that happen to us are often inevitable. We do not ask for death, sorrow, disappointment, or to be betrayed, ignored or to feel unwanted, these are made up of various contributing factors in given circumstance. But it is how we react to the situation that will determine our journey on the path in life.

Life is a path we all have to walk, but it is how we choose to walk it that is really up to us. Whether we choose to focus on the difficulties of walking, or the obstacles that lie ahead or whether we fix our sight on the light that shines ahead at the end of the path.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Ephesians 6:12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

There is no truer reminder towards the explanation of the things that are happening today in this world today than this verse. Many times we tend to overlook the spiritual aspect of things. We become too relaxed in our Christian walk that we do not realise that we are falling under the spell of darkness. We are sleeping and the evil in this world in increasing.!!

The power of God must be felt in this world for He is the Maker!! A lot of times we get too caught up with the physical world we forget our Father who is waiting for us to call upon Him; we forget our Saviour Jesus Christ who is always beside us; and we ignore the call of the Holy Spirit to turn to the Almighty God.

There is no better way to battle the unseen, than on your knees.!
"Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can't"

This metaphor is what many people use to brush aside harsh words that are thrown at them. But one thing many people tend to overlook is that the entire world was created by words (Genesis 1) and we are created in the likeness of God.

Words have the ability to create and destroy. Christ cursed a fig tree and it withered in that instant. We may not see it but, our words have the ability to build characters or destroy them. We do not know the impact our words have on others, because we cannot see what is inside them. But God does. He looks at the heart.

As Christian's, our body is the Temple of God. God knows whether the words you speak to another is a brick that is building His Temple or a brick that is breaking down walls.

Just imagine if we looked at the soul of every person we have ever spoken to and saw the impact of our words on them. Will our words be building bricks or stones that break walls? We shall all be judged one day, and be assured that the words we speak to others shall also be judged.


When things don't go my way, my only hope is that God has a better plan.

A lot of times we so not understand the "Will of God". 

Sometimes we think we know it, but we actually don't. Sometimes, in life when a door is opened we think that nothing will close it. But than, before long, the door is closed on us and we are wondering: "WHY?" Why God? We sometimes try to trace back to see where we have failed, to find our where it went wrong, only to see that there remains no answers.

Finally, when we step aside from that closed door and look through the window beside it, we understand why God closed that door and we rejoice for it was all according to His PERFECT plan. Many times, our human minds fail to comprehend the mind of God.

But whenever things don't go my way, I have no other hope, than trusting in God for His plans and His way for me exceeds all the odds. Because He alone is the superior being who is PERFECT.



Hebrews 1

In Hebrews chapter one the author is telling the reader that the God that used to speak to his forefathers through prophets (vs.1) now speaks through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ in the recent days (vs.2). The rest of the chapter (vs.3) is describing the Lord Jesus Christ and how He is distinguished from the angels and how Jesus is not an angel but rather “thee” Son of God.  Not once is it mentioned that God called any one of His angels “His Son” apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.  In vs.4 Christ is described as “Being made so much better than the angels,..”