Monday, 17 August 2015

I am to blame

John and Joe stole some money, but they reacted differently when confronted with evidence. John broke down immediately, confessed his guilt and offered to repay the money. But Joe refused to take any responsibility and blamed his companion. Later, with his parents supporting him, Joe claimed that he was forced into this conduct because some of the young people in his church had never accepted him.

People who try to cover up their sins will not prosper, but those who confess and forsake them find mercy (Proverbs 18:13). Many people never realize that they become their own enemies by blaming others instead of facing up to their own faults.

In 1 Kings 21, we read that King Ahab wanted a vineyard belonging to Naboth, but the owner refused to sell it. So Ahab’s wife had Naboth executed. Although Ahab merely allowed his wife to use his name un signing the orders, he didn’t blame his wife when confronted with his evil deed. Instead, he acknowledged his crime, expressed grief, accepted responsibility, repented, and received a merciful reprieve.

Whenever we do wrong, we are wise to face up to it and ask God to forgive us. We will be better people when we learn to say, “I am to blame.”

(Herb Vander Lugt)

~Our Daily Bread (2006) ~

God cannot prosper those who try to cover sin, and deny wrong; but all who humbly confess, the Saviour with His love will bless. ~D. De Haan~

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