Monday, 24 August 2015


My heart aches to see you where we are now "friend". I do not know how we got here? May be it started with me being distant? Or may be you should have just stayed with me for a little while longer before you left? Or maybe we have already arrived to the junction of life and did not even realise it till now?

We were close once, but now we are merely strangers living side by side. This wall has crept between us, built by who, I know not. Our language has changed and the clothes we wear too. Our friends no longer share similarities like before...

 I wish it wasn't like this friend, but I guess your hand got tired of waiting for me to take it. I was enclosed in my little glass house with the door shut while you were standing outside in the rain waiting for me to let you in; now that the rain has gone away you are no longer outside my door.

I'm sorry for leaving you in the rain friend,  now I am left with "should have's" and "if only's". My little glass house is not fun anymore. Believe me. if I could rewind time again, I would.

But here I am at the door of my little glass house, and I can see your back as you leave my drive way. Oh how I want to call out to you friend, and tell you to come back and to tell you that I'm sorry but it's too late, you are too far away.

So I'll stand here, with the door wide open, incase you decide to come and visit me again. I'll wait and hope that you do come by soon. You have been a good friend to me, and I have only been less, if you choose not to come back, then I understand. But I'll remain by the door and pray that wherever you go, may peace, joy and many blessings accompany you always.

With love,
 From A friend.

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